Right now.... at this very moment... I'm playing my favorite game EVER: Catch up. Have you ever played it? It makes even the hardest sport look like childs play. If you're unfamiliar with it, let me lay some game on you real quick. Catch up is when you get so ridiculously behind on work, blog posts, reports, current events, and LIFE that you spend about 9hrs in the library pulling your hair out from the roots wishing there were more hours in the day. That maybe something miraculously will happen and a box of Ritalin attached to a mini parachute would fall out of the sky and keep you focused. Anything to keep my mind off thoughts such as "DAMN, I'm hungry." If I leave, you can bet all your €'s I will not be coming back to this library today so I have to fight that urge to run to my dorm and cook with the promise that it will all be worth it once I first finish this post.
Don't worry, I'm not starving myself to finish a blog post. I have a bag of almonds to keep me company. Although recently I think I've developed an allergy for them because I've already had about 5 or 6 and my throat feels like it is on the verge of closing up... Let's see if I can make it to the end of this post before having to make a trip to the ER shall we?
Seeing that this is another late post, I have to paint the picture of where we are now in my travels.
The following takes place between 9am and 8pm April 12th, 2014.
After a bit of a stressful week of work and some things with my online course I was dealing with, I didn't really have time to make any plans for the weekend so I was open for anything. A fellow PPP'r came down ALL THE WAY FROM HAMBURG and paid Reutlingen a visit. Him, Dawn, and I took a trip that Saturday a Southern Germany city known as Freiburg.
rural views from the train.. |
look at all that nature! |
So before we go any further, let me just preface this right quick. Freiburg lies in the southwestern part of Germany and Baden-Württemberg. It is a college town and one of the most beautiful towns in Southern Germany. Because it is right on the edge of Germany and right in the center of two other neighboring countries, a lot of tourists go for shopping, touring or hiking. Most tourists will spend the night there and venture to the neighboring countries: France and Switzerland. Not only does it sit right dab in the middle of Germany, France, and Switzerland, it also sits right on the outside edge of Schwarzwald (The Black Forest).
I did some adventuring on my own before meeting back up with Dawn and Nial.
a beautiful theater that sits right near the city center. |
old Germans plotting my demise. Cathedral in the background. |
so European. check the McDonalds that's inside this old part of the town. I swear those things are everywhere. |
A tunnel passage under the tower. the wording says “Denkmal der freiwilligen Freiburgs unter Major und Stadtrath Caluri und allen Waffenbrüdern des österreichischen Breisgaus, die sich durch Treue und Tapferkeit den 7. Juli 1796 für Kaiser und Vaterland kämpfend auszeichneten. Gewidmet von ihrem General Freiherrn von Duminique." |
Translation: Monument to the Freiburg volunteers under Major and City Council Caluri and all brothers in arms of the Austrian Breisgau, which distinguished itself fighting through loyalty and bravery on July 7, 1796 for Emperor and country. Dedicated by their General Freiherr von Duminique. |
One fancy ass Starbucks |
I think I'm in France again, could it be possible? |
French-style bakery. Delectable pastries that would ACTUALLY make the Diabetes WORTH it. |
Macarons! (or Macaroons if you're American) |
Beautiful aged building. I didn't get the history on this bad boy because I wasn't paying a tour guide. I'm sure I'll google it one day. |
The statue of this boy is called "Mama No". It dates back to the Pre-Child-Abuse Era. Children often made this pose back in the day when they mama was about to WHOOP. THAT. ASS. Usually involed soft-held weapons such as a belt, extension cord, or one of those branches from that tree in the background of this photo. |
did some wandering and found this beautiful street. |
Dawn looking deep into my eyes because I had something important to say.
I was hungry. |
The cathedrals in Germany are forever in construction. Check out the active grandparents on their bikes. so cute. what do YOUR grandparents do? |
Seeing as though we went to Freiburg on a Saturday, there was (yet again) an open fresh market!
So many colors... |
Sideview of the Münster, or Cathedral |
so Gothic. |
Didn't know white guys having dreads was still a thing, but hey...different strokes for different folks. |
While wandering, I passed by a Biergarten so I convinced Nial that we had to try it and he was totally down. Dawn didn't even put up a fuss haha.
Lecker haus Bier. |
Pufferfish face |
playing around with Nial's precious Canon |
After a couple Biers, we found our way to the other side of town and decided to climb up and get a view over the city.
Passing through the beautiful park. Cute hair Dawn. |
On our way up the mountain to the highest point in Freiburg to get a better view of the city....
We took a lift up because it was well... cooler!
Made it to the top, and you can even see the Black Forest from here!
that area below is where I believe the Universität is located |
A view overlooking the city |
failed attempt at a Panorama. Dawn's head was cut off :( |
Closer look at the door to the Münster(Cathedral), There are very thin wires right above our heads I believe they are put there to keep the pigeons away and ruining the detailed artwork |
Cool fountain we found on the way back towards the city center. A little naked boy sitting on a Snail... a bit morbid as the water is spewing from the Snail's eyeballs.... Poor Gary. |
A quick paparazzi session with the amazing Nial Tilson:
No, please. this isn't my good side. |
gooftroop. |
Unnhh! |
You see those flowing banks in the previous photos? Well legends says that if you fall into one or the water period, you will marry someone from Freiburg and return to the city to live. FOREVER *cue evil laughter*
Granted I wouldn't mind living in Freiburg for as long as possible, but I don't think it works if you fall in on purpose.
All in all, a lovely Saturday well spent. I got back home in time to catch the sunset over Reutlingen. I would definitely recommend a trip to Freiburg and Southern Germany in the near future, because if you just simply look at the facts.......
Everything is better in the South. :)
Bis nächstes mal!
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