We're now entering the 4th week of the university phase of the program... I can't believe it. It's really been 3 frickin' weeks since I started this wild maze of confusion. Each day goes by faster than I'd like it too. Pretty soon it will be Christmas and I won't know what to do with myself. so many places to visit, so much ground to cover, so many Christmas markets to go to, and it seems to be so little time. I honestly don't know which way is up..
Here is where the trouble lies....
When I was at Alabama A&M, understanding computer languages came somewhat easy to me. C++, Java, and the experience I've had with C# in my internships have been drilled into my brain for the past 3 years or so. Now that we're learning Python programming, it feels as if I'm starting from scratch...
Although I'm familiar with the some of the concepts and getting a program up and running, my will to actually replicate a program has diminished. It seems that my Informatik class is where I'm tested the most. Every Tuesday & Thursday morning I sit in the classroom eyes wide like a hungry puppy trying to absorb everything that's being said by the Professor (it'd be nice to mention that this course is taught in complete German and nothing but). I understand learning a new language is difficult, but learning a new language while ALSO trying to learn a new programming language is like 10x's harder! It's like a...
「「「Language Inception」」」
I sit in my Informatik classes trying to decipher what the teacher is saying as he speaks, ALONG with translating the technical terms used in the example. Seeing that I'm the ONLY american in the class, I get too nervous to attempt to ask a question, because I mean... I wouldn't even know what to ask, so instead I just sit still and give awkward, spaced-out looks as I try to understand what's being done...
No one's perfect. Which is why I think it's just a typical human trait to make mistakes. My BIGGEST problem since arriving to Reutlingen is avoiding making mistakes by just not even attempting to be put in the situation at all.
Wait. That sounds AWFUL.
Awful, but true. I have had a buttload of things going on in my life and back home so my stress levels have been fluctuating like crazy. One of my main frustrations here in Deutschland is that I can understand the German language when it's spoken to me (context is everything), but ANSWERING? PFFT. F THAT. Over the past few months I've realized how aggravating it is when you want to express yourself verbally or convey a point but can't. I have all the intention of trying to ask questions and get to know the people in my class, but once it's time to communicate I morph into Helen Keller. This whole concept of "you're a student in this class, but you're not here for credit or grades just participation" is so tiring. So when there's homework, do I do it? Or when there's an assignment due do I just look at it and....
One of my professors has been posting Gruppenübung (group exercises) these past few weeks for the Pratikum Informatik I lab that I take for programming on Wednesdays.. Although he told me this part of the course is totally optional, I still haven't built up the courage to ask to be in groups because I mean... maybe it won't be worth it because I'd be just riding the coattails of the students who actually need the grade. Each class the professor has us partner up and work on a practice problem together. The moments leading up to it are so nerve-wrecking.
Now I admit this isn't every single time, I've had my good days, my bad days, and my AWFUL days. Since being here I've had really great help from some of the other students in my classes. I've made friends with majority of the people on my floor. I've gone out almost every weekend with them since I've been here and it's been AWESOME. Even this past Saturday after I hiked for like 6hrs through these huge mountains and such, I still was able to find the energy to go out and dance the night away with them. Dancing has been my stress reliever. When you're caught up in how much fun you're having all of your doubts seem to fade away and your troubles seem meaningless.
This past weekend, Dawn, Ashley, and I ventured to Bad Urach and climbed some unbelievably high mountains and saw some of the most amazing scenery since my trip to Liechtenstein (the country). Of course I'm not the nature-going/hiking type. Mainly because I seem to never be prepared with the right equipment or get tired easily from being out of shape (Also walking 8km nonstop is not on my Amazon Wishlist). At one point my calves were blazing and I'm sure they have doubled in size since then.
Sidenote: my Windows Phone, which I use for picture taking and filming is KAPUTT. I don't know what happened, but after Wasen/Volksfest, the screen wouldn't light up anymore. So it may be awhile before I can make a good video with added clips from my next adventures/trips. That being said, these photos were provided by my homie Dawn Noyes. You can keep track of her travels here. ^__^
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Photo bombin' the hell out of Dawn's opportunity to make a classic Windows Desktop photo |
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Recreating a scene from 127 Hours, I bet my arm tastes delicious. |
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Don't.. go.. chasing.. waterfalls.. |
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Just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to... |
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I had to hit the Shaq grin/pose, I was feeling extra excited about this waterfall. |
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almost bust my ass on these slippery steps. |
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Sun beaming, light hit just right, looking like The Chosen One |
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I'd think someone got this from Pinterest/Tumblr if that wasn't me in the pic lol |
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The view from above. That small patch of grass in the middle is where we hiked from! |
A week ago I went to Wasen, which is the mini-Oktoberfest in Stuttgart I discussed in my last video blog post. It was a full day of crowds, food, and of course BIER! I had a blast, but not many photos were taken seeing that by the time 5pm hit I was only functional enough to produce these:
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All of Reutlingen University was in this tent |
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Ela giving you that sexyface, haha |
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My crappy ass-tastic Käsespätzle |
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Colin's half a chicken. You can see Chelsea creeping on his chicken, we both tried a piece and it was so delicious it instantly made me regret ordering the Käsespätzle. |
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Chelsea (the sneaky snake), Colin (the luck of the Irish), Sam (Alaska), and I. Prost! |
Today was a day of achievements. Survived 4.5 hrs of my Einführung Kurs (introduction course) and decided to actually get some sh*t done that I've been meaning to do. Finally did some shopping, got out and about through town and interact with a few people auf Deutsch "alone" might I add, and I even was able to open a gym membership with McFit. Contract ends June of next year which means I'll be able to workout at any McFit gym in Germany for the remainder of the progam year. I had my doubts at first, but all I needed was my student ID, my verification form that I would only be here until July and the guy at the gym did the rest. That was a top goal on my to-do list believe it or not, having access to a 24hr gym whenever I want is definitely helping me to get back on the road to being fit and healthy again.
Tomorrow's Tuesday which means I'll have to go to my Informatik class in the morning and shift my brain into Turbo.
I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. Now I have to get caught up on The Walking Dead.
Bis Später!
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