Thursday, August 1, 2013

D.C. Adventures

It's been quite an eventful week for not only me but the 74 CBYX'ers as well! On Monday morning I woke up with an intense feeling of shock. The time had come where I would be spending my last morning in Alabama or with my mom for at least a year. That trip to the airport was emotional. I guess it's true what they say that, "Airports see more sincere kisses and hugs than wedding halls. The walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of churches.” 

Nevertheless I was ready to break free and venture off into the unknown. I flew from Birmingham to D.C. and after an hour or so of waiting for a shuttle, I was finally on my way to Georgetown University where I would be. It was my first time on Georgetown's campus, and I have to say it was NICE. REAALLLLL NICE! 
This building was important in particular because all of our meals took place here lol

Haley Hall, if I remember correctly.

We had our introductions over dinner which was an assortment of BBQ chicken, grilled burgers, German potato salad, hot-dogs, and wonderful tray of brownies and cookies for dessert.

After a few hours of icebreakers, Q&A with Alumni and this past year's participants, as well as endless "where are you from? what's your major? and Sprichen sie Deutsch?" questions, we went to this nice bar near the school's campus and sat and chatted with each other about our expectations for the program this year. I won't bore you with the details, but it was really fun getting to know so many people from all aspects of life. There are people in this program from ALL over the country with level of the German language ranging from anywhere between expert, novice, and my favorite phrase "ich weiß nicht" (which is German for "I don't know").

To document Day 2: I have decided to hence forth do videos, detailing my adventures as well as a separate language videos to do as I go about the learning process. Similar to what a former participant Mickey Mangan did when he was in the program.
This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year. from Mickey Mangan on Vimeo.

You can check out my first video below that documents my adventures in D.C. This is the first of many, so stay tuned. 

Auf Wiedersehen 

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