Since last Saturday, I have woken up at ridiculously early times. Like 4am or 5am. Saturday I had my first meal with my host parents, i.e. Breakfast. A typical German breakfast includes a large variety of breads, jams, spreads, cheeses, maybe some deli meat and that's it.. Such as ham, turkey, salami, etc.
I found out that my host mom has an amazing garden and she grows her own grapes, peppers, apples, blackberries, and raspberries. Also she makes her own jams and marmalade. A typical breakfast for me back in the U.S. is usually a stack of pancakes, some pan-seared sausage, maybe some fruit, or just greek yogurt with granola. I tend to eat like a bird these days (giving up my fat guy ways). Filling up on bread is the ideal way of eating though with a side of green tea or coffee of course. There are soooo many types of bread too, it's almost overwhelming deciding on just ONE.
All of this is besides the point. During my breakfast on Sunday morning I discussed different topics with my host parents. Politics, economy, and the surrounding countries near the Southern part of Germany. My host mom mentioned that Switzerland is fairly close (like a 15 minute drive) and that it was a really nice (but expensive) place to visit. We finished breakfast, I helped clear the table, and then went upstairs to watch random videos on YouTube.
15 minutes later my host parents called me from downstairs, "Kwasi we're ready!!" of course I was super lost because... I had no clue what was going on. Ready for what?? What's going on? Where we going? How long are we going to be gone?
Long story short, they snatched me up and we went on a road-trip to Switzerland! Switzerland is indeed magnificent but ridiculously expensive....
Random road signs, en route to Switzerland! |
really neat flower shop |
just a short clip of the paintings in the market area in Switzerland |
Switzerland (getting back to the parking lot lol) |
After a about an hour in Switzerland we got back in the car and were on our way back to Bankholzen (or so i thought....) When we stopped for gas, I was curious why we were taking the scenic route through Switzerland and going in the opposite direction heading even further AWAY from Germany. Once we gassed up, everything was made clear to me... "Kwasi, we're taking you to Leichtenstein". Now of course I thought I was delirious at first. Leichtenstein (pronounced "leck-ten-stine) is at least 2-3 hours away from where we were at the present time. Surely they weren't willing to drive all that far just for me were they?.....

I fell asleep most of the way and woke up just in time to catch the most glorious sight I've ever seen. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the very small country that is Leichtenstein, it is fairly small and proud to be one of the only few countries that doesn't have ANY cities. It is composed of towns and villages. It lies in the center of 3 bordering countries: Germany, Switzerland, & Austria. WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS PLACE IS. IT IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY THE MOST SPECTACULAR, AMAZINGLY BREATHTAKING PLACE I'VE EVER BEEN. THE PICTURES BELOW ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HOW AMAZING IT IS IN PERSON!!!!
This map is in Deutsch. Countries shown above are Schweiz (Switzerland), Leichtenstein, Deutschland (Germany), Italien (Italy). |
Back on the road! to Leichtenstein! |
You may not be able to see in some of the pictures because of the clouds, but the mountains are REALLY high. Like... enormously high. touch the sky high. so high... high above me..
enter: Leichtenstein |
Vaduz Castle, the original palace and residence of Prince Hans-Adam II, the entrance gate was locked. Probably because the heir is still alive and the current prince may still be living there lol, but nonetheless it was really cool. |

Leaving Leichtenstein
So I was sitting down eating with my host parents in Liechtenstein earlier that day and told them about how a certain really close friend of mine had made some delicious "Käsespätzle" the night before his wedding some months ago. My host parents said I had to try the real thing straight from the source.
One hour later... we were in Bregenz, Austria and before i knew it, I had a giant plate of it sitting in front of me. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!! :')
While eating, we discussed different things like other interesting areas. At one point they talked about going to Italy "since we're already out and have a little time left".... I literally look them with astonishment, like...
Unfortunately we decided it was best not to go to Italy (right now at least) since they both had to work and I start language school the following morning. The fact that THAT was the only valid reason for us not going kind of made my jaw drop. Back home I can barely make it from Huntsville, AL to Memphis, TN without being like.. "Nah, better hold that off until tomorrow". And that's just from one state to another, but crossing over 3 COUNTRIES just because? Are my host parents Beyoncé & Jay Z in clever disguises? Seriously. I need to know.
Leaving Leichtenstein, en route to Bregenz, Austria! |
my Käsespätzle (a cheese dumpling combo with grilled onions on top and delicious salad on the side. The Wirthaus am See restaurant was outside facing the sea, and the breeze really felt great. |
my mini expresso, it was pretty STRONG. |
Two kids learning to play Chess at a park in Austria |
Beautiful street art at the train station in Bregenz, Austria. |
Leaving Austria, entering back to Germany there's literally HUNDREDS of miles of grapes being grown for making wine. The rows are endless. |
The trip to Austria was really unexpected, and the fact that we kept eating wherever we went was even more surprising. When I asked why? My host parents simply replied, "we promised you 3 countries and that's what we're giving you". I was really appreciative of the whole experience and the fact that they took time out of their day to take me to such extravagantly beautiful places. We finished the trip by heading back to Radolfzell, Germany and getting some ice-cream at a local shop. By the time it was 9pm but still pretty bright out. I was able to order a scoop of "Stracciatella und Cookie" (chocolate chip and cookie) ice-cream on a waffle cone without making a
complete fool of myself. Still looked a little brainless though. After some of that delicious ice-cream, it was time to head back home to Bankholzen and reflect back on my day....
Did I mention that all of this occurred within a DAY? I think this trip needs a well-deserved "Around the world and BACK" snap.
Auf wiedersehen!