Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How NOT to Embarrass Yourself in Germany

It's dawned on me that I have exactly 3 weeks left until my imminent departure to Deutschland. Nervous? Definitely. Anxious? No doubt! Ready? As ready as I can be possibly be at this point. I've studied countless lessons and phrases, read up on current events going on throughout the world, reviewed how I would manage my bills here in the U.S., made emergency precautions in case things don't go as planned these first few months, and even began filling my suitcases to the brim everything from the necessities to a few things I will miss the most (i.e. Jif Peanut butter!) 

Below is a list of key things to remember while in Germany, most of which will be essential for not making a complete fool of myself and help get adjusted to their customs. (Source: Reddit)

Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Awesome man, hope things are going well for you! This list is pretty funny, I knew a lot of them, but not a few. The one about toasting is very PG, it is said you must make eye contact when toasting or else it is 7(or 10, I forget) years bad sex :P

    1. Yeah things are going pretty good. finalizing my packing essentials trying to make sure I don't forget anything of importance. It hasn't really dawned on me yet that i'm leaving the freakin' country for soooo long! Idk what to do with myself ! lol

  2. Really excited for you! I know this will be an incredible experience. I hope you have plans to keep us posted as you live abroad!

    1. It really hasn't dawned on me yet that I'm leaving. i've never been out the country before so my jaw has literally dropped just thinking about the experience as a whole. my mind has been too busy occupied trying to get ready! it's soooo much to DO! and of course i plan on keeping you guys updated when i have time.


Living in Europe can be expensive!