Thursday, August 14, 2014
Under Construction
I know it has been quite some time since I have updated this blog, by now I am back in the U.S. about to start my final year of undergrad at Alabama A&M University.
I have approximately 3 blog posts that will be filled with tons of photos, funny stories, and content to hopefully encourage you to pursue an opportunity abroad.
Until then, enjoy the previous posts and I will update this blog thing soon.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
15 Things I Hate About Germany/Europe
Three weeks. Three weeks and I will be back on American soil. Filling my lungs with smog, my mouth with processed foods, and my brain with endless hours of Netflix marathons. I know I will gain at LEAST 5lbs within those first few weeks of being back. Milos, Popeyes, Krispy Kreme, and Chik-Fil-A have all been calling my name for weeks! As my time winds down I have had time to reflect over this past year. Although there are several great things about living abroad, there have been certain things in Germany that have gotten on my last damn nerve.
I thought it would be fun to do this post in a B*zzfeed fashion. You know how b*zzfeed and similar websites have a way of keeping people interested by listing things? For example, these days news articles are formatted in such a way that it almost sounds like a 12 year old wrote them. Something like "8 reasons you need to wax instead of shave your pubic hair" or "90 ways the 90's are better than the 00's". Anyway, without further ado, here are 15 things I HATE about Germany and/or Europe.
I thought it would be fun to do this post in a B*zzfeed fashion. You know how b*zzfeed and similar websites have a way of keeping people interested by listing things? For example, these days news articles are formatted in such a way that it almost sounds like a 12 year old wrote them. Something like "8 reasons you need to wax instead of shave your pubic hair" or "90 ways the 90's are better than the 00's". Anyway, without further ado, here are 15 things I HATE about Germany and/or Europe.
1.) Cigarettes. I hate, let me reiterate, HATE the smell of cigarettes. I wouldn't date anyone who smokes and I usually keep my distance or hold my breath around friends who do smoke. Yet for some odd reason Europeans seem to love those cancer sticks. They smoke one after a meal, when they're happy, when they're stressed, shortly after getting dressed, while they're waiting on a train or a bus, on a boat, with a goat, while they're shopping for new soaps, while they're in a club or at a party, in-between classes, constantly blowing smoke out of their asses. With every given opportunity I have to avoid the omnious cloud of toxic fumes, I somehow, in one way or another, ALWAYS get stuck walking behind someone who's practically French kissing a cigarette and blowing the smoke right in my direction. At least the labels on cigarette packages here are dead on.
2.) German customs. Things have a way of getting lost in the postage here in Germany. If you order something online and are not at home to recieve it, you have only 1-2 chances to catch the post otherwise it may get shipped back to where you ordered it from. I lost my phone back in August. Since I had insurance, I was able to have my iPhone shipped from America in Oktober and even that took over a month to arrive. Once it finally did arrive, I found out I was not able to pick it up because quote:"this phone will not be able for your usage here in Deutschland". As if I did not have plans on having it unlocked the moment I could put my hands on it. Ugh. Nonetheless, I had to AGAIN wait for it to be shipped BACK to America. That was in November 2013. It was not until February 2014 did it finally reach back to my mom in Sweet Home Alabama.
3.) Buying groceries. Buying, bagging, and paying for groceries in Germany has to be one of the most intense and stressful experiences. Do you remember that TV show from the 90's, "Supermarket Sweep"? The panic those contestants felt while trying to make sure everything made it into the shopping cart within the time limit is similar to what it feels like when you in the check out lines here in Europe.
The moment your turn approaches and the cashier begins scanning your groceries, you have only a small window of time before she calls out your total and gives you that evil glare. There usually isn't any room at the end after your groceries are rung up, so if you don't bag up your shit or get it into a basket you're out of luck. The cashiers move faster than you can blink. I can say however, that the experience is less tense when there are less people behind you in line.
4.) Not a single damn store being open on Sundays except for gas stations and stores/shops closing early during the week. I still do not fully accept this concept. I mean, I guess it is easier to relax and find piece of mind on a Sunday when there are less things open to distract you. Coming from a country where almost EVERYthing is open 24/7, it takes a LOT of getting used to. Sundays are meant for unnecessary trips to Walmart, cruising through the mall doing countless window shopping, not walks through the park or worse... hiking.
5.) Overly affectionate couples. The PDA is ridiculous in Europe it's like being forced to watch soft core porn while you wait for your train or bus or dinner or in line for the bathroom or even while you're just out getting ice-cream. Ain't nobody got time for that.
6.) Summer. Or to be more specific, none-air-conditioned homes/trains/buses/buildings during summer. I know it saves energy to utilize natural resources like wind and such, but can we get some cold air and circulation of some sort while I'm on this bus going from one side of town to the next? It's hotter than four big girls in a Ford Focus and Deutsche Bahn has the NERVE to not so much as crack a window. I now have learned that Air Conditioners are a right, not a privilege.
7.) NO FREE PUBLIC BATHROOMS. In Germany, and most of Europe, it can cost about 0.50€ (roughly $0.68) to 1€ ($1.30) to use a public restroom. That includes most (but not all) restaurants, malls, gas stations, train stations, festivals, even some Port-o-Potty's charge you to utilize that unsanitary death-trap. I cannot even begin to fathom how much money I've spent on emptying my bladder. The only exclusion being trains where you can pee for free, but once you get off the train and arrive at the train station, you may want to gather them coins. I have suffered from extreme dehydration on more than a few occasions in attempts to save a euro or two. Which I know sounds ridiculous, but that's money! Imagine being charged to breathe? I'm going to start a website and petition to get Chancellor Angela Merkel to change this. Look out for it on, coming to a web browser near you.
8.) No Screens. I first arrived in Germany in what seemed to be the hottest month of the year. In August it was SCORCHING HOT. I grew up in the South so of course I'm used to high temperatures, drenching sweat, and those flying pests known as mosquitos. But do you know how I survived this long in Alabama dealing with all of that? AIR CONDITIONERS AND MESH SCREENS ON MY WINDOWS! The idea of having a bug/window screen on doors or windows is a foreign concept here. Did you Germans think there was no possible way you could stop bugs from coming into your house? Put those Engineering degrees to good use and make mesh screens happen!
9.) Export/Import fees. Sometimes I miss those super unhealthy snacks I grew up with. You know the good stuff. Oreos, Cheetos, Reese cups, etc. The lack of Cheddar cheese, Jalapeno Peppers, among other things make me cringe. You can find American stores in various cities here in Germany, but the prices are INSANE. Check out the cost for just a package of Golden Oreos in an American store here in Reutlingen.
This store better pick another number, because I AM NOT THE ONE. Who in their right mind would pay 10 euros (damn near $16) for a package of oreos? Somewhere there has to be a diabetic mad as hell, but still tempted to buy these. |
10.) Einkaufen. I briefly touched on this when I mentioned the stressful process of buying and bagging groceries, but the most important I forgot to mention... BUYING CLOTHES! Europe has made me take the term "window shopper" to a whole 'notha level.
Jeans were a Western influence and just became popular probably within the last 10 years or so. Here they are worth their weight in gold. I once had a pair of American Eagle jeans stolen right from out of the gym locker room over the winter break. Didn't think AE was a brand even worth stealing, especially in Europe. Men's clothing in general has always been a bit pricey. No matter where I go. In Europe there are a large number of guys who you'd typically see in GQ magazine that actually live this life the GQ life in Germany! Of course there are several exceptions, you have your graphic tees and weird american sayings written on clothing deemed "style" among the younger crowd. I even saw a few guys wearing shirts of the Eiffel tower pictured and the text "Niggas in Paris" written across the front plain as day. As luck would have it, the store that sold them is going out of business.
Jeans were a Western influence and just became popular probably within the last 10 years or so. Here they are worth their weight in gold. I once had a pair of American Eagle jeans stolen right from out of the gym locker room over the winter break. Didn't think AE was a brand even worth stealing, especially in Europe. Men's clothing in general has always been a bit pricey. No matter where I go. In Europe there are a large number of guys who you'd typically see in GQ magazine that actually live this life the GQ life in Germany! Of course there are several exceptions, you have your graphic tees and weird american sayings written on clothing deemed "style" among the younger crowd. I even saw a few guys wearing shirts of the Eiffel tower pictured and the text "Niggas in Paris" written across the front plain as day. As luck would have it, the store that sold them is going out of business.
11.) "We're sorry this video is only made available to viewers in the United States". GEMA, honey. listen.. So there's an organization in Germany called the Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (or GEMA for short). Which essentially is just a society of haters. The main job of this organization is to cause misery and heartache to any individual who is attempting to watch a newly released (in America) music video from VEVO or anything of relevancy. I don't know who hurt them in such a way where I can't even watch a clip from The Daily Show, but this is some BULL!
12.) "Black Music". I didn't know what to say when I first saw these words on a flyer. My mind instantly thought they were referring to that dark, grungy, Punk/Rock music. I later came to the f'd up realization that any music that is of the R&B, Rap, HipHop variety is referred to as "Black Music". You're more than likely to hear that on radios here, and on club flyers/invitations. It takes some getting used to.... Still haven't completely gotten accustomed to being referred to as "a black".
13.) "Woher Kommst du?". So girl listen, Europeans have this fascination with knowing exactly where you were born and raised. At first it comes off as just a general curiosity, but then it turns into something a bit more... personal. Maybe it's the media or maybe it's just plain ignorance, but Europeans have a common misconception on what an American is. For those of you who somehow didn't know this, here's a quick history lesson.
13.) "Woher Kommst du?". So girl listen, Europeans have this fascination with knowing exactly where you were born and raised. At first it comes off as just a general curiosity, but then it turns into something a bit more... personal. Maybe it's the media or maybe it's just plain ignorance, but Europeans have a common misconception on what an American is. For those of you who somehow didn't know this, here's a quick history lesson.
The United States is a nation colonized, formed, and sustained by immigrants. About 500 years ago Christopher Columbus got lost looking for Asia and stumbled upon the Native Americans. Instead of being friendly, or just minding his own damn business and going home... He decided to stay and try to teach the "savages" the European way of doing things. Which led to genocide, disease, and overall destruction of almost an entire race of people.
For instance, I was told point blank that I should keep my passport and documents on me at all times. Not because I am an American visiting another country, but because I don't LOOK either American or like the "typical German" and may get asked for my visa/papers more often when on the street. Which unfortunately has happened on more than one occasion.... I suppose I look like an African immigrant escaping to freedom fully-equipped with drugs to sell. There were other instances where my Asian-American friends were greeted with a "Ni-Hao" and told several harmful things such as "your English is very good for an Asian", "you don't look like the typical American", or even making insulting gestures such as squinted eyes in an attempt to mock the Epicanthal folds that they are born with.
So it just begs the question, just WHAT does an American look like? Well if you type "typical American family" into any Google search you will be hard pressed to find a fair amount of P.O.C. (people of color). Instead, you get this representation of "the American Dream"...
14.) Hygiene. Now this could pertain to every aspect of day to day hygiene, but for the moment let's touch on the usage of DEODORANT (or lack thereof). I've noticed that it's common for Europeans to go a couple days or so without showering (gross). When it comes to using that good ol' anti-perspirant, they fall short. The smell of a grown ass man who never wears deodorant, hasn't showered in days- IN THE SUMMER- is enough to make me vomit. Like come on dude, I know you smell that. You don't know you stank?
15.) Last but not least, number 15. Which represents the amount of Euros(€) I will probably have left in my pocket once I return to the States.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest
Here's another late post, sorry for the gaps between posts, but I have been über busy. The days have gotten longer, the nights much shorter, and life is moving faster than Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights.
The following takes place between 17.4 and 21.4 aka Österlich Wochende or "Easter Weekend" if you will.
The first half of the new year seems to be filled with holidays in Germany. Back home I remember my birthday always falling between Good Friday and Easter. Fresh outfits, ridiculously long amounts of sitting in church for easter ceremonies and nonstop Passion of The Christ marathons on almost every major network. Of course an American Easter would not be complete without the traditional egg hunt, where for some reason, parents made their kids search for hard-boiled eggs in the sun (yes this is a thing that happens). Although granted sometimes there were hollow plastic eggs filled with candy or (if your parents/church felt really generous) MONEY!
Nevertheless, I have not had to search for a hard-boiled egg in quite some time. I decided to celebrate my 23rd Easter holiday with a roadtrip through Beligum! Honestly I do not know when I will ever be able to say that again. Both the friday before and the monday after Easter were holidays, which made for a perfect opportunity to explore more of Europe.
I started my adventure by traveling to Heidelberg to meet up with another PPP'r and good friend, Britt and his former host sister during the Language School Phase, Elisa. Heidelberg is just an hour away from Stuttgart and is a really beautiful city just on the uppermost northwestern edge of the German state Baden-Württemberg.
We began our journey on Friday morning around 7 or 8am and shot through Mannheim (nearby city) within the hour. Pretty soon we were passing through a very small, but important country: Luxemburg! Unfortunately we did not stop and see the Chambre des Députés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (The European Parliament) maybe next time?
Now I should briefly mention that the people of Belgium speak up to 3 different languages. German, Dutch (or Flemish), and French depending on which region of the country you are currently in. Below is a map to illustrate.
About 4hrs later we arrived in our first stop on this trip: Brussels!
That night we stayed at a super cool hotel near Antwerpen. Saturday morning we checked out and set forth to the beauty that is Antwerp (also known as the Paris of Europe)! First stop: Centraal Station.
We walked out of the train station and into the main street and were taken away by the beautiful architecture, but more importantly this caught my attention quicker than the sights did.
The combination of these factors helped us manage our way into the place, grab the keys, and move our stuff in without too much trouble.
After a quick walk along the beach, feeling the sand between my toes, we went back to our campsite which was more like a trailer park but still pretty cool. It even had bunk beds!
That next morning we were off to visit yet another city. This time it was Bruges! We picked up a few Belgian beers and were on our way.
Seeing the beach one last time leaving was bittersweet. The water was freezing but walking on that soft sand and feeling it between my toes made it that much more enjoyable and had me ready for summer to arrive.
The following takes place between 17.4 and 21.4 aka Österlich Wochende or "Easter Weekend" if you will.
The first half of the new year seems to be filled with holidays in Germany. Back home I remember my birthday always falling between Good Friday and Easter. Fresh outfits, ridiculously long amounts of sitting in church for easter ceremonies and nonstop Passion of The Christ marathons on almost every major network. Of course an American Easter would not be complete without the traditional egg hunt, where for some reason, parents made their kids search for hard-boiled eggs in the sun (yes this is a thing that happens). Although granted sometimes there were hollow plastic eggs filled with candy or (if your parents/church felt really generous) MONEY!
Nevertheless, I have not had to search for a hard-boiled egg in quite some time. I decided to celebrate my 23rd Easter holiday with a roadtrip through Beligum! Honestly I do not know when I will ever be able to say that again. Both the friday before and the monday after Easter were holidays, which made for a perfect opportunity to explore more of Europe.
I started my adventure by traveling to Heidelberg to meet up with another PPP'r and good friend, Britt and his former host sister during the Language School Phase, Elisa. Heidelberg is just an hour away from Stuttgart and is a really beautiful city just on the uppermost northwestern edge of the German state Baden-Württemberg.
We began our journey on Friday morning around 7 or 8am and shot through Mannheim (nearby city) within the hour. Pretty soon we were passing through a very small, but important country: Luxemburg! Unfortunately we did not stop and see the Chambre des Députés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (The European Parliament) maybe next time?
Panorama view of a quick rest stop in Luxembourg. I guess that's another country to mark off the list :) |
Now I should briefly mention that the people of Belgium speak up to 3 different languages. German, Dutch (or Flemish), and French depending on which region of the country you are currently in. Below is a map to illustrate.
I find that Dutch is very similar to German, just with extra vowels, k's instead of "ch", and unnecessary j sounds. |
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... |
candid with Elisa |
Add caption |
Making our way downtown... towards that gigantic gate thingy. |
chalk outline of two dancers who probably died battling each other |
Eerie how similiar the Beligium flag is so similar to the Germany one... |
The beginning of the park. Like I said, HUGE. |
A hoe garden. HA!!!!! |
Government building |
quick #selfie at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula |
Brussels city center. |
Manneken Pis graffiti |
schwag. |
Most famous attraction in Brussels. Thousands of tourists from all around the world to watch this little boy pee. Pervs. This is actually #3 on the World's 10 Most Overrated Travel Attractions. (Link can be found here) |
A delicious Nutella & Strawberries belgian waffle. Eating a delicious waffle in the birthplace of waffles really made my tastebuds harmonize and sing doo-wop. |
caught Britt off guard. Look at that face, he could hardly contain his love for that waffle. |
I love the style of these streets. |
Everard 't Serclaes was a famous Brussels born hero. For more infor click here. He was slashed with swords and died 10 days later. This statue is called Dying Everard 't Serclaes. People say that touching his right arm brings 1 year of love and good luck. |
the market square. (still in Brussels haha) |
Market square, simply breathtaking. |
Did you know that the Smurfs orginated in Belgium? |
Passing through the neigborhood heading to the car to rest up and leave Brussels. |
Antwerpen Centraal Station has 4 levels of train tracks. Here you can see the first 3, and there's yet one more that runs underground. It is the only station like this in all of Europe. |
Antwerpen Centraal Station, beautiful is it not? |
A closer look. |
it's like a royal palace.... but for trains. |
Cheese. burger. pizza. LOOK AT IT. |
Making our way downtown.... walking fast. faces pass. |
This equisite castle of a building is just an Armani Jeans store. THIS PRINCE WILLIAM LOOKING PALACE IS JUST AN ARMANI STORE. WUT. |
Posing with the statues near the Cathedral of our Lady |
So this statue/fountain is really cool. It depicts a man on atop of a platform and beast while holding a severed hand where the water spews from. The story goes that there was a giant guarding the Schelde river, demanding a toll from all the ships. If a captain didn't pay, the giant would cut off his hand and throw it in the river. So this hero slew the giant, cut off it's hand, and threw it in the river. A statue had to be erected (as seen above). And that's how the city "Hand Twerping" got it's name but the people of the city don't know where the H went to make it "Antwerp". |
The combination of these factors helped us manage our way into the place, grab the keys, and move our stuff in without too much trouble.
The coast of the North Sea |
That next morning we were off to visit yet another city. This time it was Bruges! We picked up a few Belgian beers and were on our way.
Some strong Belgian Beer. This stuff was about 8 or 9% alcohol. |
Postcard photo perhaps? |
#selfie Britt practicing his LL Cool J lips. |
#selfie |
the type of #selfie to annoy Britt haha |
huge Cathedral just off into the distance. |
city center of Bruges. |
this couple was so cute I had to capture the happy moment. (hope they're still together) :o |
There was a kid behind me pouting and i was trying to imitate him it was so cute, you can see his mom bending down trying to get him to shut the hell up. |
probably one of the best photos I've taken, it looks like it came from Pinterest! |
perfect smiles on a perfect day. |
horse drawn carriage |
I chased after this horse and carriage trying to get a photo but the Black Stallion was just too fast for me. |
Monday morning, on the beach one last time before heading back to Germany. |
check out the Earthbending skills.Wrote my name in the sand with just one foot lol. Eat your heart out Toph. |
We said goodbye to De Haan and ventured to our final Belgian city before departing... Next stop was Gent (pronounced Ghent). I cannot say I know much about this city other than it's nice to look at, has great fries, and the altstadt (oldest part of town) is essentially enclosed around all of the newer parts of the city. So you basically have to go through a maze of modern buildings and shops before you reach the epicenter of this traditional medieval style part.
oh Dutch... you so crazy... From what I can decipher (context clues and German knowledge), it says "Free Concerts every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday in the basement" |
I can happily say I do not. |
Gravensteen Castle, also known as "Castle of The Counts". It costs about 9 euros to go inside, so this is about as good as it gets for free. |
Beautiful view |
typical european street corner pose |
So in all of just 4 days we were able to cover so much of Beligum and visit FIVE cities! Those cities included: Brussels, Antwerpen, Bruges, De Haan, and Gent. It's been one hell of an adventure and I cannot believe how this time abroad has changed me. My first time leaving the United States and I can now cross off the following countries off my list with ease.
Bis nächstes mal, Tschüss!
(Until next time, goodbye!)
GermanySwitzerlandLiechtensteinAustriaFranceSpainCzech RepublicLuxembourgBelgium
Bis nächstes mal, Tschüss!
(Until next time, goodbye!)
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
(as if an angel pisses on your tongue)
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
One way to say the food tastes great. The expression evolved from an angel that fietst (cycles) on your tongue, replacing "fietst" with the childish funny word "piest" while preserving its meaning. - See more at:
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