Haha, kidding. It was the mailman with a package from the German Embassy! I had read a few days back in the CBYX Facebook group that other participants were already starting to receive theirs and gotten pretty jealous that I hadn't received mine yet since I live fairly close to D.C.(closer when compared to the other participants from states like Wisconsin, Montana, Alaska, Michigan, etc). Nonetheless it came today and I saw it as an early Christmas present!
Inside were:
- A lanyard with the German flag & United States flag imprinted in a really cool pattern.
- A wristband of the German flag's colors, (red, black, & yellow).
- Magazin Deutschland - a German magazine that discusses politics, current events, etc. The issue I currently have pertains to Human Rights!
- An all in one soup-mug (even comes with a spoon) that's good for
- oatmeal
- soup
- pasta
- cereal
- ice cream
- tea
- A pen
- 187 pg. book entitled Facts About Germany
I think I'm definitely going to enjoy reading up on this Facts About Germany the more I know, the better!